Saturday, April 25, 2009

Flower Shop...

My twins wanted to make their own flower shop. "Great!" I say. Go in the backyard and play. In my mind I am thinking about the time this will give me to get a few household chores done. As I am doing laundry and dishes I look out the window at the little darlings...

There they are with their sand shovels and rakes...gardening away. Having a great time. So sweet. Next time I look out the window I see this...

Upon closer inspection I see this...

And this....

My first thought is: "Goodness look at that! Looks just like a little flower shop"

My second thought is: "Wait...where are all these flowers and buds coming from....and just how many are there?" I begin to look around and see many more buckets filled with flowers and buds all over the patio.

Then I look over at the plants....

And realize that every the entire yard...

is bald....

That's right. Not a flower in sight. Not a bud. Nothing.

Well, except for the table and buckets. They were full of them ;/


  1. Oh no!
    It is kinda cute though :)

  2. As I was scrolling down through the photos I was thinking "Oh no! Did they get into her craft supplies and take all of those beautiful flower?!"


    So cute though, at least you'll have pretty table flowers for the next few days...
